• von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr (Europe/Berlin)

  • Wir reflektieren die 26.UN-Klimakonferenz/COP (31.10.-12.11.21 in Glasgow, UK): Wie bewerten wir die Ergebnisse der Konferenz? Was bedeuten sie für Klimabewegungen global und in Südafrika? Was bedeuten die Ergebnisse für unsere (entwicklungs-)politische Bildungsarbeit?Wir reflektieren die 26.UN-Klimakonferenz/COP (31.10.-12.11.21 in Glasgow, UK): Wie bewerten wir die Ergebnisse der Konferenz? Was bedeuten sie für Klimabewegungen global und in Südafrika? Was bedeuten die Ergebnisse für unsere (entwicklungs-)politische Bildungsarbeit?
    We are reflecting the results of the 26th UN-Climate conference, taking place 31.10.-12.11.21 in Glasgow, UK. How do we evaluate the results? What are the consequences for a global and South African climate movement? What does it mean for global learning?

    --> Awande Buthelezi, Climate Justice Charter Movement, Südafrika/ZA
    --> Alejandro Ceballos, Referent im Programm Bildung trifft Entwicklung

    Moderation/Facilitation: Daniela Goeller

    Veranstaltungssprache/Language: deutsch/english
    Anmeldung über diesen Link/Register here.

    Veranstalter/Organizer: EPiZ/Bildung trifft Entwicklung (BtE) Baden-Württemberg, Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen/BtE Mitteldeutschland, Eine Welt Netzwerk Bayern/BtE Bayern
    The “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ program is committed throughout Germany to a form of learning that makes global interrelationships tangible in the lives of learners. The aim is to contribute to a change in awareness in Germany towards a responsible and sustainable shaping of globalization.

    Zu den Impulsgeberinnen/About the speakers:

    Awande Buthelezi
    is an organizer and researcher at the Co-operative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC), an activist with the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC) and the Climate Justice Charter Movement.

    Alejandro Ceballos
    was born in Venezuela. He studied environmental science and worked for 10 years at the University of Copenhagen - Denmark teaching environmental policy and climate change. He is passionate about social justice, gender, intercultural communication, racism, extractivism, traditional knowledge, Latin American critical thinking, Decolonization and food sovereignty.

    About the Climate Justice Charter:
    The Climate Justice Charter emerges out of six years of campaigning, during the worst drought in South Africa’s history, by the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign and the Cooperative and Policy Alternative Centre. It has been informed by grassroots input from water stressed communities, the media, labour, faith based communities, youth, climate scientists, academics, women’s organisations, environmental and social justice organisations, as well as, think pieces by leading activists. A conference held in November 2019 consolidated a draft which was then placed online for public comment. A final round of public input was provided at a Climate Justice Assembly held on 16 June 2020. The document is the outcome of this process of dialogue and climate justice resistance:

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