Forschungsumfrage: Ehemalige und aktuelle Camphill-Freiwillige gesucht

Liebe:r (ehemalige:r) Camphill Freiwillige:r,

folgender Umfrage-Aufruf hat uns vor wenigen Tagen erreicht. Es handelt sich um ein Forschungsprojekt der Camphill Foundation, des Camphill Research Symposiums und eines Forschungsteams der Harvard Divinity School, bei dem es um Lebens- und Arbeitsumstände von Freiwilligen in Camphills weltweit geht.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Du daran bis zum 01. Mai teilnimmst und den Link weiterleitetst an andere ehemalige oder aktuelle Camphill-Freiwillige.

PS: Es dauert max. 10 - 15 Minuten.

Dear Camphill coworkers, past and present,

We need your help! We are conducting a research project on the short-term coworker experience at Camphill and would love to hear from you!

WHO We are defining a “short-term coworker” as a Camphill coworker who comes to Camphill with the expectation that their stay will be temporary, for up to five years. If you are now, or have ever been, a short-term coworker, we want to share your experiences with us.

WHAT We have prepared a short survey. It should take about fifteen minutes of your time, and is available at this link:

HOW We also need your help in reaching other short-term coworkers! If you are still in touch with friends from Camphill, please forward this message to them, or post it on social media in places they are likely to see.

WHY This research grew out of conversations at last year’s Camphill Research Symposium and within the Camphill Movement Group. We all know that one of the most important ways Camphill contributes to social renewal is through the lives of young people who spend a brief time at Camphill and then go on to other things. But nobody has studied these people in depth—until now! We hope our results will enhance the experiences of future short-term coworkers at Camphill places around the world.

WHEN If you can complete the survey by MAY 1, please do!! But just in case, we will keep it open until June 1.


From Camphill Foundation, Camphill Research Symposium, and our team of researchers.
If you have any questions about this research, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Dan McKanan
Harvard Divinity School

Weitergeleitet durch:
Team der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V.
Friends of Waldorf Education

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